
Project 365, Day 6

Day: Today, we went to the Buenos Aires countryside so some of my friends could learn how to play polo! It was absolutely gorgeous (pictures to come). It took us about three hours to get there by public transportation- walking to the subway stop, taking the subway, switching lines, walking to the train station, taking the train, and finally taking a ridiculously expensive taxi to the final destination. SO worth it though. On the way back, one of the ranch hands drove us to the highway that was right outside their property and dropped us off on the side of the road, where he told us a bus would come by, slow down on the highway, and pick us up. Kind of sketchy, but that's exactly what happened.

It was an awesome day, and when I came back to the apartment, I felt bad because it was already 9 o'clock and I hadn't told my host mom I'd be out that late! But, she's super nice and left me a note next to a covered tray that said, "Amanda, I hope your day was great and that you enjoy the food! I am in my room. A kiss, Silvia". It was so sweet, and she had made me a two inch high omelet stuffed with cheese and potato chunks, along with some kidney beans (I eat vegetarian here), basil leaves, and a thick slice of tomato with melted cheese on top of it all. It was so flipping delicious I could hardly believe it. I also had green grapes, a plum, and some bread. So good.

Picture: When the ranch hand drove us to the highway side, some of us got to ride in the back of the falling apart truck while overhanging branches swept past us in the face and inhale the kicked up dirt from the dirt road! (it was actually really fun and it felt like we were in an old western)

1 comment:

  1. 3 hours is a long tine to travel for a day trip, I'm glad you had fun!
